Información del autor
Autor García Mayordomo, Julián |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (39)

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We present an automated free software-based toolchain to obtain Coulomb Failure Stress change maps on fault planes of interest following the occurrence of a relevant earthquake. The system uses as input the focal mechanism data of the event occu[...]![]()
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García Mayordomo, Julián ; Martín Banda, Raquel ; Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel ; Álvarez Gómez, José Antonio ; Martínez Díaz, José J. | EGU General Assembly | 2017Since the Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI) was released in February 2012 a number of studies aimed at producing seismic hazard assessments have made use of it. We will present a summary of the shortcomings and advantages that w[...]![]()
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García Mayordomo, Julián ; Martín Banda, Raquel ; Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel ; Álvarez Gómez, José Antonio ; Martínez Díaz, José J. ; Cabral, Joao | European Geosciences Union | 2017-08-30Active fault databases are a very powerful and useful tool in seismic hazard assessment, particularly when singular faults are considered seismogenic sources. Active fault databases are also a very relevant source of information for earth scient[...]![]()
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Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel ; Martínez Díaz, José J. ; García Mayordomo, Julián ; Martín González, Fidel | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 2012The Malaga Basin is located in the westernmost part of the Betic Cordillera. This alpine cordillera in the south of Spain is the most active region of the Iberian Peninsula. Some of the most destructive earthquakes occurred historically in Spai[...]![]()
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García Mayordomo, Julián ; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús ; Azañón, J.M. ; Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel | 2009This work reviews the current situation of earthquake?triggered landslide studies in Spain both from the point of view of regional assessment and site?specific cases. Regional assessments have been undertaken in areas of the Betic Cordillera (So[...]![]()
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Benito, Belén ; Capote del Villar, Ramón ; Murphy, P. ; Gaspar Escribano, Jorge M. ; Martínez Díaz, José J. ; Tsige Aga, Meaza ; Stich, Daniel ; García Mayordomo, Julián ; García Rodríguez, M.J. ; Jiménez, M. E. ; Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel ; Álvarez Gómez, José Antonio ; Canora Catalán, Carolina | Seismological Society of America | 2007This article presents an overview of the La Paca earthquake of magnitude mbLg 4.7, which occurred on 29 January 2005, with its epicenter located near the town of Avile´s in the Murcia region in southeast Spain. Despite its low magnitude, the ear[...]![]()
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García Mayordomo, Julián ; Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel ; Martínez Díaz, José J. ; Jiménez Díaz, Alberto ; Martín Banda, Raquel ; Martín Alfageme, Santiago ; Álvarez Gómez, José Antonio ; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús ; Pérez López, Raúl ; Rodríguez Pascua, Miguel Angel ; Masana, E. ; Perea Manea, Hector ; Martín González, Fidel ; Giner Robles, Jorge ; Nemserb, Eliza S. ; Cabral, Joao | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 2012La Base de Datos de Fallas Activas de Iberia (QAFI) es una iniciativa promovida por el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME) para construir un repositorio público de información científica sobre fallas con actividad en los últimos 2,59 M[...]![]()
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Jane, G. ; Maestro, Adolfo ; Martínez Díaz, José J. ; Rodríguez Pascua, Miguel Angel ; García Mayordomo, Julián ; Fernández Revuelta, B. ; Somoza Losada, Luis ; Díaz del Río, Víctor | Sociedad Geológica de España. | 2008A lo largo del Canal y Dorsal de Cádiz se ha observado la existencia de numerosas chimeneas carbonatadas con evidencias de rotura por flexo-tracción en su base. Este trabajo aborda el análisis de la distribución espacial y las características me[...]![]()
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Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús ; García Mayordomo, Julián ; Azañón, J.M. ; Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel ; Pérez García, José Luis ; Delgado, Jorge | 2009En este trabajo presentamos un estudio de inestabilidades de ladera inducidas por terremotos a escala regional, local y de emplazamiento en las cuencas de Lorca y de Granada. Para las escalas regional y local hemos aplicado el método del “bloque[...]![]()
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García Mayordomo, Julián ; Pérez Santisteban, Itziar ; Pantín, V. ; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso ; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés | Sociedad Geológica de España. | 2008En este estudio se contrastan los resultados que ofrecen dos técnicas de uso habitual en el Laboratorio de Geotecnia del CEDEX, el AEOS y el PS-logging, con los de una técnica relativamente novedosa, el Re-Mi (o sísmica pasiva). Para ello se emp[...]![]()
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The Lorca Basin (Murcia) is located in one of the most seismically active regions of Spain. This area is very interesting for studying earthquake-induced slope instabilities as there are well known cases associated to specific earthquakes (e.g.,[...]![]()
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Pérez Santisteban , Itziar ; García Mayordomo, Julián ; Muñoz Martín, Alfonso ; Carbó Gorosabel, Andrés | Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. | 2011-01Results obtained by SASW and PS-logging (in-hole) seismic techniques are compared with the relatively new ReMi (Refraction microtremor) method at a common site with a well-known soil profile: a recently constructed high-speed railway embankment.[...]![]()
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García Mayordomo, Julián ; Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel ; Jiménez Díaz, Alberto ; Álvarez Gómez, José Antonio ; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús | 2011Recientemente se han producido en España una serie de iniciativas encaminadas a aprovechar el conocimiento geológico para la definición y la caracterización de fuentes sismogénicas enfocadas al cálculo de la peligrosidad sísmica en Iberia. En es[...]![]()
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Azañón, J.M. ; García Mayordomo, Julián ; Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel ; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús | 2009The City of Granada is placed at the margin of a flat area known as the Granada Basin (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) surrounded by mountains. The seismic activity in the Granada Basin is high, with a large number of earthquakes, all of them of mod[...]