Información del autor
Autor Fernández Tejero, Carlos |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (44)

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A simple approximate analytical expression for the direct correlation function of a hard-sphere fluid in D dimensions within the Percus-Yevick equation is proposed. The approximation exactly reproduces the well-known results for D = 1 and D = 3,[...]![]()
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In this paper we present an alternative formulation of the well-known integral equation approximations designed to keep a consistent approach to the determination of thermodynamic properties in the case of density-dependent interactions. Obvious[...]![]()
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The direct correlation function of a Huid of aligned planar hard convex orientable bodies is determined exactly using a simple form for the separation of the centers at contact. An approximate analytical proposal for the direct correlation funct[...]![]()
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Two analytic approximations for the direct correlation function of a hard-sphere fluid are considered. The first follows from a generalization of the Percus-Yevick result in d dimensions whereas the second arises in the Rational Function Approxi[...]![]()
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Cuesta, J. A. ; Fernández Tejero, Carlos ; Xu, H. ; Baus, Marc | American Physical Society | 1991-10-15Recent attempts to generalize the classical Onsager theory of nematic ordering to finite-density systems of finite-length hard convex bodies are related and compared. It is pointed out that, although good results can be obtained in three-dimensi[...]![]()
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The high-frequency elastic behavior of fluid surfaces is studied from first principles. The general dispersion equation for elastic surface waves thus obtained reveals the influence of the surface structure on Rayleigh's surface waves. New types[...]![]()
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Almarza, N. G. ; Lomba, Enrique ; Ruiz, Guiomar ; Fernández Tejero, Carlos | American Physical Society | 2001-03-05Evidence of a liquid-liquid equilibrium in simple fluids has recently been exposed for a density-dependent pair potential in the framework of a van der Waals theory. Here this double criticality is investigated by means of computer simulation, a[...]![]()
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A theoretical study of the freezing of adhesive hard spheres within the generalized-effective-liquid approximation has been performed. The liquid-solid phase diagram exhibits most of the trends observed for simple liquids. There is, however, no [...]![]()
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It is well-known that the Lennard-Jones potential provides a fair description of the phase diagram of a simple atomic fluid with a fluid-fluid critical point and a fluid fluid-solid triple point. In this chapter we analyze the modifications occu[...]![]()
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The real space version of the modified weighted density approximation is investigated in order to determine the effective liquid density that is used to represent a face centered cubic hard-sphere solid. It is shown that above a threshold averag[...]![]()
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We apply the differential formulation of the generalized effective liquid approximation to the study of hard-sphere and hard-disk freezing. We show that the thermodynamic properties of the solid phase are rather insensitive to the compressibilit[...]![]()
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Starting from the Nernst-Planck, Navier-Stokes and Poisson equations for the local description of the electrokinetic phenomena in a charged membrane model, we have studied the behaviour of the electroosmotic permeability coefficient. We show tha[...]![]()
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Linearized hydrodynamic equations for a nonuniform anisotropic fluid are obtained from the exact Mori-Zwanzig equations for the conserved densities. In the particular case of a two-phase system with a planar equilibrium interface, these equation[...]