Información del autor
Autor Carpio, Ana |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (76)

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An iterative strategy for the reconstruction of objects buried in a medium and the identification of their material parameters is analysed. The algorithm alternates guesses of the domains using topological derivatives with corrections of the par[...]![]()
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A discrete kinetic model for the growth of helium bubbles in plutonium is proposed and analyzed. This model captures some relevant qualitative features of the time behavior of the distribution of bubble sizes. Analytic formulae for the solutions[...]![]()
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We give a development up to the second order of strong solutions u of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in R(n), n greater-than-or-equal-to 2 for several classes of initial data u0. The first term is the solution h(t) = G(t) * u0 of the hea[...]![]()
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A quantitative description of pulses and wave trains in the spatially discrete Hodgkin-Huxley model for myelinated nerves is given. Predictions of the shape and speed of the waves and the thresholds for propagation failure are obtained. Our asym[...]![]()
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Biofilms are bacterial aggregates encased in a self-produced polymeric matrix which attach to moist surfaces and are extremely resistant to chemicals and antibiotics. Recent experiments show that their structure is defined by the interplay of el[...]![]()
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We present an iterative technique to construct stable solutions for an angiogenesis model set in an annular region. Branching, anastomosis and extension of blood vessel tips is described by an integrodifferential kinetic equation of Fokker-Planc[...]![]()
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A superlattice is an artificial crystal made out by repeating periodically a basic unit comprising layers of two or more semiconductors. Superlattice based devices include infrared detectors, quantum cascade lasers and fast oscillators. A simple[...]![]()
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Bonilla, Luis L. ; Carpio, Ana ; Carretero, Manuel ; Duro, Gema ; Negreanu, Mihaela ; Terragni, Filippo | Elsevier | 2018-12-15We study a robust finite difference scheme for integrodifferential kinetic systems of Fokker-Planck type modeling tumor driven blood vessel growth. The scheme is of order one and enjoys positivity features. We analyze stability and convergence p[...]![]()
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Crystal defects such as dislocations are the basis of macroscopic properties such as the strength of materials and control their mechanical, optical and electronic properties. In recent times, advances in electronic microscopy have allowed imagi[...]![]()
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We consider spatially discrete bistable reaction-diffusion equations that admit wave front solutions. Depending on the parameters involved, such wave fronts appear to be pinned or to glide at a certain speed. We study the transition of traveling[...]![]()
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An inverse problem is considered where the structure of multiple sound-soft planar obstacles is to be determined given the direction of the incoming acoustic field and knowledge of the corresponding total field on a curve located outside the obs[...]![]()
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Biofilms are antibiotic-resistant bacterial aggregates that grow on moist surfaces and can trigger hospital-acquired infections. They provide a classical example in biology where the dynamics of cellular communities may be observed and studied. [...]![]()
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A discrete model describing defects in crystal lattices and having the standard linear anisotropic elasticity as its continuum limit is proposed. The main ingredients entering the model are the elastic stiffness constants of the material and a d[...]