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Autor Huertas Coronel, María José |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (56)

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Huertas Coronel, María José ; Arnaud, N. ; Ancochea Soto, Eumenio ; Cantagrel, Jean Marie ; Fúster Casas, José María | Elsevier Science Publishers | 2002-06-30Many felsic pyroclastic units of various types are exposed in different sectors of Tenerife. New 40Ar/39Ar determinations allow them to be placed more precisely in the general volcano-stratigraphic succession. According to geographic distributio[...]![]()
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A number of samples have been dredged from the upper parts of Amanay and El Banquete Seamounts, yet volcanic materials have been collected only in Amanay. Based on the textural features and the presence or absence of kaersutite, two main types o[...]![]()
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A number of samples have been dredged from the upper parts of Amanay and El Banquete Seamounts, yet volcanic materials have been collected only on Amanay Seamount. Based on textural features and the presence or absence of kaersutite, two main ty[...]![]()
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Ancochea Soto, Eumenio ; Brändle, J.L. ; Huertas Coronel, María José | Sociedad Geológica de España | 1995-10A mathematical method has been used to determine the alignments of effusive centers in the Recent Series of the Tenerife island. The strike of these lineations varies from one sector to another. In this way,; on the northeastern part of the isle[...]![]()
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Ancochea Soto, Eumenio ; Hernán Reguera, Francisco ; Huertas Coronel, María José ; Brändle, J.L. | Elsevier Science Publishers | 2012A basic radial dike swarm unrelated to other basic units of Boa Vista (Cape Verde Archipelago) has been localized and characterized in the central sector of the island. According to new radiometric data three main stages in the evolution of Boa [...]![]()
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Ancochea Soto, Eumenio ; Brändle, J.L. ; Cubas, C.R. ; Hernán, F. ; Huertas Coronel, María José | Sociedad Geológica de España | 1996-05The Southern Volcanic Complex I consists mainly of basalts with scarce felsic members. On the basis of chemical and mineralogical compositional features two groups could be considered. 80th groups are alkaline, the first normal alkaline (in the [...]![]()
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Ancochea Soto, Eumenio ; Brändle, J.L. ; Huertas Coronel, María José ; Hernán, F. ; Cubas, C.R. | Sociedad Geológica de España | 1997-05The Central Vólcanic Complex I (CVC-I) consists maihly of mildly alkaline basalts, many of them ankaramitic. The compositional differences observed are explained by fractíonation and extraction (rates between 20% and 30%) of clinopyroxene (60%),[...]![]()
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Alonso-Zarza, Ana María ; Bustamante, Leticia ; Huerta, Pedro ; Rodríguez Berriguete, Álvaro ; Huertas Coronel, María José | Elsevier | 2016-05This paper studies the weathering and soil formation processes operating on detrital sediments containing alkaline volcanic rock fragments of the Mirador del Río dolocrete profile. The profile consists of a lower horizon of removilised weathered[...]![]()
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Brändle, J.L. ; Hernán, F. ; Huertas Coronel, María José ; Ancochea Soto, Eumenio | Sociedad Geológica de España | 2006-07The first data about the composition of lava flows from Branco Island (Cabo Verde) are presented in this work. Most lava flows in the sequence are alkali basalts (Fo84-76 olivine, En44-36 diopside, An83-31 plagioclase) showing geochemical affini[...]![]()
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Galindo Francisco, Mª del Carmen ; Huertas Coronel, María José ; Casquet, César | Sociedad Geológica de España | 1994Two calcalkaline granite porphyries, an E-W and a N-S trending one, and three monzonitic dykes striking NE-SW, have been dated. For the first dyke a whole rock Rb-Sr isochrone age of 296±3 Ma, i.e. Upper Carboniferous, is obtained. However, the [...]![]()
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Ancochea Soto, Eumenio ; Brändle, J.L. ; Huertas Coronel, María José ; Hernán, F. ; Herrera, R. | Elsevier Science Publishers | 2008-06-10The detailed study of the age and distribution of the basic dikes of La Gomera (Canary Islands) has allowed us to reconstruct the evolution of its main volcanic edifice. The dikes of the oldest unit (the Basal Complex) have a N70°–80° dominant d[...]![]()
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Acosta, Juan ; Ancochea Soto, Eumenio ; Canals, Miquel ; Huertas Coronel, María José ; Uchupi, E. | Elsevier | 2004-06-30The recovery of calcareous breccia and other carbonate-cemented rocks from Mont dels Oliva in the Balearic Promontory indicates that both this seamount and the adjacent Mont Ausias Marc, east of Ibiza and Formentera islands, are of continental o[...]![]()
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Brändle, J.L. ; Cubas, C.R. ; Huertas Coronel, María José ; Hernán, F. ; Ancochea Soto, Eumenio | Sociedad Geológica de España | 2001-10Several trachytic and phanalitic, radial and canical dyke-swarms crap out an the La Gomera narthern regian. The first age data abtained situate the intrusian episades coinciding in time with the extrusian af the Old Basalts. The earlier dykes sh[...]![]()
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Cubas, C.R. ; Ancochea Soto, Eumenio ; Hernán, F. ; Huertas Coronel, María José ; Brändle, J.L. | Sociedad Geológica de España | 2002-11The new radiometric data from felsic domes on La Gomera allow to separate two different felsic both intrusive and extrusive episodes on the island. The early one, upper Miocene in age, includes the domes on the eastern sector of the island as we[...]![]()
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Huertas Coronel, María José ; Ancochea Soto, Eumenio ; Herrera, Raquel | Sociedad Geológica de España. | 2008En La Gomera son frecuentes los materiales de composición sálica procedentes de diversos momentos de actividad, incluyendo depósitos piroclásticos cuya edad se desconoce. Dos coladas basálticas, intercaladas entre niveles de tobas sálicas, datad[...]