Información del autor
Autor Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (75)

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This paper focuses on key issues related to aggregation tools within knowledge acquisition, and in particular for image processing. In particular, it is claimed the need of a number of simultaneous indices in order to evaluate the quality of a f[...]![]()
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Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro ; Franco, Camilo ; Vitoriano, Begoña ; Montero, Javier | Society for soft computing | 2011The concept of semantic antagonism refers to the human capability of characterizing those objects of an universe of discourse being dissimilar, significantly different from or opposite to a given concept, predicate or previous knowledge. This ca[...]![]()
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Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro ; Montero, Javier ; Vitoriano, Begoña ; Lopez, Victoria | Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg | 2009Extraction of rules from databases for classification and decision tasks is an issue of growing importance as automated processes based on data are being required in these fields. An inductive methodology for data-based rules building and automa[...]![]()
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Computing with words (CWW) explores the brain’s ability to handle and evaluate perceptions through language, i.e., by means of the linguistic representation of information and knowledge. On the other hand, standard preference structures examine [...]![]()
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As recently proved in a previous work of Turunen, Tsoukias and Ozttirk, starting from an evidence pair (a, h) on the real unit square and associated with a propositional statement a, we can construct evidence matrices expressed in terms of four [...]![]()
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Beliakov, G. ; Gomez, D. ; Jameson, Simon S ; Montero, Javier ; Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro | Elsevier Science BV | 2017The problem of missing data is common in real-world applications of supervised machine learning such as classification and regression. Such data often gives rise to the need for functions defined for varying dimension. Here we propose optimizati[...]![]()
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Villarino, Guillermo ; Gómez, Daniel ; Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro ; Montero, Javier | Springer-Verlag | 2018Most supervised classification algorithms produce a soft score (either a probability, a fuzzy degree, a possibility, a cost, etc.) assessing the strength of the association between items and classes. After that, each item is assigned to the clas[...]![]()
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Franco, Camilo ; Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro ; Montero, Javier | World Scientific Publishing Company | 2014The polarity of concepts and the dialectic process by which its meaning emerges has been subject of interest since the ancient Greeks. Recently, the term Bipolarity has been used in social and mathematical sciences, referring to the measurement [...]![]()
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Making decisions by learning preferences requires to consider semantical aspects dealing with the meaning and use of the preference concept. Examining recent developments on bipolarity, where concepts are measured/verified regarding a pair of op[...]![]()
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En la gestión de desastres y emergencias, es crucial una valoración inicial correcta de las consecuencias de los fenómenos adversos para permitir una toma de decisiones adecuada. Sin embargo, no se requiere que esta valoración inicial sea necesa[...]![]()
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A fully precise numerical evaluation of disasters’ effects is unrealistic in the time-pressured, highly uncertain decision context taking place just after a disaster strike. This is mainly due to some features of the available information in suc[...]![]()
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Gauda, C. ; Gomez, D. ; Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro ; Yáñez, Javier ; Montero, Javier | Atlantis Press | 2016In this paper we discuss some main image processing techniques in order to propose a classification based upon the output these methods provide. Because despite a particular image analysis technique can be supervised or unsupervised, and can all[...]![]()
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Montero, Javier ; Gonzalez del Campo, Ramon ; Garmendia, Luis ; Gomez, D. ; Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro | Elsevier Science INC | 2017-10-07In this paper, we postulate computation as a key element in assuring the consistency of a family of aggregation functions so that such a family of operators can be considered an aggregation rule. In particular, we suggest that the concept of an [...]![]()
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Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro ; López, V. ; Gomez, D. ; Vitoriano, Begoña ; Montero, Javier | IEEE | 2010The currently-in-use definition of aggregation function is analyzed in this paper, noting that the introduced variability in the dimension of information does not avoid some obvious dysfunctions. In particular, a potential abuse of the mathemati[...]![]()
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In this preface we stress the relevance of the traditional collaboration between Engineering and any field of Mathematics in order to build intelligent decision-aid tools, as it is illustrated by the twelve papers contained in this Special Issue[...]