Información del autor
Autor Schuch, N. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (5)

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Fernández González, C. ; Schuch, N. ; Wolf, M.M. ; Cirac, J.I. ; Pérez García, David | Springer | 2015-01For every Matrix Product State (MPS) one can always construct a so-called parent Hamiltonian. This is a local, frustration free, Hamiltonian which has the MPS as ground state and is gapped. Whenever that parent Hamiltonian has a degenerate groun[...]![]()
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We consider the tensors generating matrix product states and density operators in a spin chain. For pure states, we revise the renormalization procedure introduced in (Verstraete et al., 2005) and characterize the tensors corresponding to the fi[...]![]()
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Matrix product vectors form the appropriate framework to study and classify one-dimensional quantum systems. In this work, we develop the structure theory of matrix product unitary operators (MPUs) which appear e.g. in the description of time ev[...]![]()
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We introduce schemes for quantum computing based on local measurements on entangled resource states. This work elaborates on the framework established in Gross and Eisert [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 220503 (2007); quant-ph/0609149]. Our method makes u[...]![]()
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Scarpa, G. ; Molnár, Andras ; Gé, Y. ; García-Ripoll, J.J. ; Schuch, N. ; Pérez García, David ; Iblisdir, S. | American Physical Society | 2020-11-20Matrix product states and projected entangled pair states (PEPS) are powerful analytical and numerical tools to assess quantum many-body systems in one and higher dimensions, respectively. While matrix product states are comprehensively understo[...]