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Autor Tenorio Fornés, Antonio |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (18)

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Rozas, David ; Tenorio Fornés, Antonio ; Hassan, Samer | 2020In recent years, the increasing need for global coordination has attracted interest in the governance of global-scale commons. In the current context we observe how online applications are ubiquitous, and how emerging technologies enable new cap[...]![]()
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The distribution of participation in peer production, such as wikis and open source communities, has been traditionally characterized as a power-law distribution. This assumption has several implications, such as the assumed uniformity of the re[...]![]()
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Tenorio Fornés, Antonio ; Jacynycz García, Viktor ; David Llop, David ; Sánchez Ruiz-Granados, Antonio A. ; Hassan, Samer | 2018Science publication and peer review raises concerns about fairness, quality, per-formance, cost or accuracy. The Open Access movements has been unable to fulfill all itspromises, and middlemen publishers can still impose policies and concentrate[...]![]()
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Tenorio Fornés, Antonio ; Pérez-Tirador, Elena ; Sánchez Ruiz-Granados, Antonio A. ; Hassan, Samer | Elsevier | 2020-09Science publication and its Peer Review system strongly rely on a few major industry players controlling most journals (e.g. Elsevier), databases (e.g. Scopus) and metrics (e.g. JCR Impact Factor), while keeping most articles behind paywalls. Cr[...]![]()
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El uso de bases de datos está ampliamente extendido, sin embargo, hay una falta de herramientas de depuración y prueba que asistan su desarrollo. Comprobar la corrección de una consulta SQL es difícil usando bases de datos reales, ya sea porque [...]![]()
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Román Navarro, Sara ; Hassan, Samer ; Ullán Hernández, Eva ; Gómez Gauchía, Héctor ; Sánchez Hernández, Jaime ; Peinado Gil, Federico ; Tenorio Fornés, Antonio | 2015-07-01El propósito de este proyecto era explorar el potencial de las aplicaciones web colaborativas para fomentar el aprendizaje cooperativo, y mejorar la participación y la motivación de los estudiantes, todo ello en función de distintos tipos de con[...]![]()
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Peinado Gil, Federico ; Pavón Mestras, Juan ; Román Navarro, Sara ; Sánchez Hernández, Jaime ; Gómez Gauchía, Héctor ; Arroyo Gallardo, Javier ; Ullán Hernández, Eva ; Hassan, Samer ; Tenorio Fornés, Antonio | 2016-07-29El propósito de este proyecto ha sido el desarrollo y la consolidación de la manera en que los docentes gestionamos las denominadas ‘wikis’, páginas web autoeditables que varias asignaturas universitarias utilizan ya como recursos docentes abier[...]![]()
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Tenorio Fornés, Antonio | 2013Muchos problemas se modelan de forma natural extendiendo un tipo existente con valores adicionales. Por ejemplo, los tipos de las bases de datos se extienden con valores nulos para representar la falta de datos. De forma parecida, los enteros pu[...]![]()
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In recent years, the increasing concerns around the centralized cloud web services (e.g. privacy, governance, surveillance, security) have triggered the emergence of new distributed technologies, such as IPFS or the Blockchain. These innovations[...]![]()
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The current state of the Web, which is dominated by centralized cloud services, raises several concerns on different aspects such as governance, privacy, surveillance, and security. A way to address these issues is to decentralize the platfo[...]![]()
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Finding good peer reviewers is a difficult task. In Decentralized Science project we are designing and developing a tool to improve the quality, fairness and reliability of academic peer reviewing. Our approach relies in opening peer review, giv[...]![]()
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Tenorio Fornés, Antonio ; Hassan, Samer | 2014The promise of online assemblies has been present for years already, and a diversity of tools have attempted to fulfill it. This work aims to reapproach the issue from a novel standpoint that relies on a federated architecture, a real-time colla[...]