Información del autor
Autor Rodas Bilbao, Arkaitz |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (9)

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We review how the Regge trajectory of an elastic resonance can be obtained just from its pole position and coupling, using a dispersive formalism. This allows us to deal correctly with the finite widths of resonances in Regge trajectories. In th[...]![]()
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Rodas Bilbao, Arkaitz ; Pilloni, A. ; Albaladejo, M. ; Fernández Ramírez, C. ; Jackura, A. ; Mathieu, V. ; Mikhasenko, M. ; Nys, J. ; Pauk, V. ; Ketzer, B. ; Szczepaniak, A. P. | American Physical Society | 2019-01-29Mapping states with explicit gluonic degrees of freedom in the light sector is a challenge, and has led to controversies in the past. In particular, the experiments have reported two different hybrid candidates with spin-exotic signature, pi¬_1([...]![]()
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Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the fundamental theory that explains the strong interactions between quarks and gluons. Unfortunately, the fact that QCD is asymptotically free at short distances produces the confinement of quarks at low energies[...]![]()
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We review the recent analysis of ? K scattering data in terms of forward dispersion relations, and also present the parameters of the strange resonances. This work consists of fits to the data that are constrained to satisfy analyticity requirem[...]![]()
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Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón ; Rodas Bilbao, Arkaitz ; Ruiz de Elvira Carrascal, Jacobo | Springer | 2019-12We provide global parameterizations of pi pi -> pi pi scattering S0 and P partial waves up to roughly 2 GeV for phenomenological use. These parameterizations describe the output and uncertainties of previous partial-wave dispersive analyses of [...]![]()
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In this work we provide simple and precise parametrizations of the existing ?K scattering data from threshold up to 1.6 GeV, which are constrained to satisfy forward dispersion relations as well as three additional threshold sum rules. We also p[...]![]()
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Mikhasenko, M. ; Pilloni, A. ; Jackura, A. ; Albadalejo, M. ; Fernández Ramírez, César ; Mathieu, V. ; Nys, J. ; Rodas Bilbao, Arkaitz ; Ketzer, B. ; Szczepaniak, Adam P. | American Physical Society | 2018-11-28We perform an analysis of the three-pion system with quantum numbers J(PC) = 1(++) thornthorn produced in the weak decay of tau leptons. The interaction is known to be dominated by the axial meson alpha(1) (1260). We build a model based on appro[...]![]()
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In this work we present a determination of the mass, width, and coupling of the resonances that appear in kaon-pion scattering below 1.8 GeV. These are: the much debated scalar ?- meson, nowadays known as K(_1)(*) (800), the scalar K(_1)(*) (1[...]![]()
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The Regge trajectory of an elastic resonance can be calculated from dispersion theory, instead of fitted phenomenologically, using only its pole parameters as input. This also provides a correct treatment of resonance widths in Regge trajectorie[...]