Información del autor
Autor Elorza, Francisco José |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (2)

texto impreso
Muñoz Martín, Alfonso ; Olaiz Campos, Antonio José ; Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo de ; Antón López, Loreto ; Elorza, Francisco José ; Vicente, Raquel de | Sociedad Geológica de España | 2007The groundwater flow in zones of low permeability, as granites, is mainly associated with zones of fracture. For this reason the characterization of the fractures is fundamental, both in surface as in depth, and must integrate geological informa[...]![]()
texto impreso
An elastic finite element approach has been used with the dual aim of determining the most appropriate reference state of stress, namely a uniaxial strain state or a lithostatic state, and re fining the understanding of the Iberian intraplate st[...]