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Autor Tejero López, Rosa |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (67)

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Intraplate main structural units of the Iberian Plate (Spanish Central System and Tertiary Basins) results from a mid-Tertiary compressive regime, caused by the convergence of African and European Plates. Crustal structure of this zone has been [...]![]()
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Romeo Briones, Ignacio ; Tejero López, Rosa ; Capote del Villar, Ramón ; Lunar Hernández, Rosario | Cambridge University Press | 2008The Aguablanca stock is a Variscan mafic pluton located in the Ossa-Morena zone, southern Iberian Massif, hosting an unusual Ni–Cu–PGE mineralization associated with magmatic breccia pipes which intruded its northern part. The emplacement of the[...]![]()
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Rajado, Máximo ; Tejero López, Rosa ; Fernández García, Paloma ; Babín Vich, Rosa Blanca | Sociedad Geológica de España. | 2008El paisaje del centro peninsular ha sido creado por la actividad tectónica ocurrida desde el Terciario hasta la actualidad. Mediante el análisis espectral y la elaboración de mapas de envolventes se han analizado los principales rasgos morfoestr[...]![]()
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Sánchez Serrano, F. ; Tejero López, Rosa ; Bergamín de la Viña, Juan Francisco | Sociedad Geológica de España | 1998El tratamiento de datos topográficos a partir de Modelos Digitales del Terreno, mediante un Sistema de Información Geográfica de tipo matricial permite obtener información geomorfométrica. La obtención de un parámetro secundario, a partir de la [...]![]()
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Ruiz Pérez, Javier ; Fernández, Carlos ; Gómez Ortiz, David ; Dohm, James M. ; López, Valle ; Tejero López, Rosa | Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam | 2008Surface heat flow calculations for the Amenthes region of Mars can be independently performed using the depth to the brittle–ductile transition and the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere estimated for the Late Noachian/Early Hesperia[...]![]()
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Aragón, Eugenio ; Pinotti, Lucio ; D´Eramo, Fernando Javier ; Gómez-Ortiz, David ; Tejero López, Rosa ; Tubia, José María ; Cavarozzi, Claudia Ernestina ; Aguilera, Yolanda Emilia ; Ribot, Alejandro Mario ; Gianibelli, Julio ; Chernicoff, Carlos Jorge | Sociedad Geológica de España | 2009La caldera de Piedra Parada constituye el principal edificio volcánico del Complejo Volcánico Piroclástico del curso medio del río Chubut, situado en la provincia argentina de Chubut. Los materiales intracaldera están constituidos por coladas ri[...]![]()
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Gómez Ortiz, David ; Tejero López, Rosa ; Ruiz Pérez, Javier ; Babín Vich, Rosa Blanca ; González Casado, José Manuel | Sociedad Geológica de España. | 2004Effective elastic thickness of the Iberian Peninsula lithosphere was estimated from a coherence analysis of topography and gravity spectra. A multitaper technique was used to estimate spectra. Coherence estimates provide an average Te value o f [...]![]()
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Tejero López, Rosa ; Gómez Ortiz, David ; Rey Moral, C. ; Villamor Manero, Patricia | Sociedad Geológica de España. | 2000The gravity survey which we report here forms one part of a multidisciplinary study whose goals are understanding the kinematics, structure, and geodynamic controls, o f the abrupt termination of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) in central North Is[...]![]()
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Insua Arévalo, Juan Miguel ; Castiñeiras García, Pedro ; Álvarez Gómez, José Antonio ; Rodríguez Peces, Martín Jesús ; Martínez Díaz, José J. ; Tejero López, Rosa ; Tsige Beyene, Meaza | Sociedad Geológica de España. | 2016En este trabajo se presenta el canal de vídeos online STEREOVIDEO ubicado en el sitio web YouTube ( Se trata de un canal de vídeos didácticos de corta duración (![]()
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Eramo, Fabiana d' ; Pinotti, Lucio Pedro ; Tubia, José María ; Vegas, Néstor ; Aranguren, Aitor ; Tejero López, Rosa ; Gómez, Daniel O. | Geological Society of London. | 2006This study deals with the structure of the El Hongo trondhjemite, a ENE–WSW elongate pluton belonging to the Famatinian magmatic arc that developed from Late Cambrian to Silurian times in the Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina). Anisotropy of magnetic[...]![]()
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Tsige Aga, Meaza ; Garzón Heydt, Guillermina ; Tejero López, Rosa ; Pellicer Bautista, María José ; Babín Vich, Rosa Blanca | Sociedad Geológica de España | 2013Se ha estudiado la composición mineralógica de los depósitos terciarios de la Cuenca del Guadiana a partir del análisis mediante Difracción de rayos X de 137 muestras. Los depósitos de la Cuenca del Guadiana presentan una gran homogeneidad miner[...]![]()
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Controls on strath terrace formation and evolution: The lower Guadiana River, Pulo do Lobo, Portugal
Ortega Becerril, José Antonio ; Garzón Heydt, Guillermina ; Tejero López, Rosa | Elsevier | 2018-10-15The lower Guadiana River carves a wide canyon in the Variscan metamorphic rocks of the SW Iberian Peninsula and presents an exceptionally homogeneous and well-preserved case of a strath terrace (ST) some 40?km long and 400?m wide. The rocky surf[...]![]()
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Gómez Ortiz, David ; Tejero López, Rosa ; Babín Vich, Rosa Blanca ; Rivas Ponce, Antonio | Elsevier B.V. | 2005Shallow and deep sources generate a gravity low in the central Iberian Peninsula. Long-wavelength shallow sources are two continental sedimentary basins, the Duero and the Tajo Basins, separated by a narrow mountainous chain called the Spanish C[...]![]()
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Gómez Ortiz, D. ; Agarwal, B.N.P. ; Tejero López, Rosa ; Ruiz Pérez, Javier | Geological Society of America | 2011Through two-dimensional fi ltering and spectral analysis of gravity data, we infer the density structure of the Iberia Peninsula’s lithosphere (western Europe). The gravity anomaly map of the Iberian Peninsula displays long-wavelength anomaly mi[...]