Información del autor
Autor Urdiales, M.T. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (4)

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Dobado González, Antonio ; Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón ; Urdiales, M.T. | American Physical Society | 1997-12-01In this work we study the applicability of the equivalence theorem, either for unitary models or within an effective Lagrangian approach. There are two types of limitations: the existence of a validity energy window and the use of the lowest ord[...]![]()
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In this work we report on the results obtained in a detailed and systematical study of the possibility to measure the parameters appearing in the electroweak chiral lagrangian. The main novelty of our approach is that we do not use the equivalen[...]![]()
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Dobado González, Antonio ; Morales, J. ; Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón ; Urdiales, M.T. | Elsevier Science BV | 1996-10-24In this paper we study the large N limit of the Standard Model Higgs sector with N lambda, Ng(2) and Ng('2) constant and N being the number of would-be Goldstone bosons, Despite the simplicity of this method at leading order, its results satisfy[...]![]()
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Dobado González, Antonio ; Herrero, M. J. ; Pelaez, J.H. ; Morales, E.R. ; Urdiales, M.T. | Elsevier Science BV | 1995-06-15In the present work we study the predictions for WZ and ZZ production at the LHC with the Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian (EChL) approach. Our analysis will be focused on the less favored case from the experimental point of view, in which the pred[...]