Información del autor
Autor Lafuente López, Javier |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (23)

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In this paper we get an effective algorithm to compute all odd orders and ramification indices of homeomorphisms![]()
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In this paper we obtain an effective algorithm to compute all even orders and ramification indices of homeomorphisms of finite order acting on compact surfaces, orientable or not. This completes the case of odd orders, previously studied by the [...]![]()
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A new causal boundary, which we will term the l-boundary, inspired by the geometry of the space of light rays and invariant by conformal diffeomorphisms for space-times of any dimension m ? 3, proposed by one of the authors [R. J. Low, The Space[...]![]()
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Using a new characterization of the Lorentz quadrics, we establish a reformulation of the Special Relativity Theory.![]()
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Let M be a differentiable manifold and C ={e2org / a : M -> R } a Riemannian conformal structure on M. Given any regular curve in M, 7 : I -> M, there is a natural way of defining an operator, D/dt: £(7) -> £(7), the Fermi-Walker connection a[...]![]()
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We prove that a locally symmetric and a null-complete Lorentz manifold is geodetically complete.![]()
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Lafuente López, Javier | Real Sociedad Matemática Española;Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto "Jorge Juan" de Matemáticas | 1979All groups to be considered are finite. The main result of this paper is the following: the normal Schunck c1asses composed a complete and distributive lattice antiisomorphic to the lattice composed by the Derived c1asses (s. [5]). It begins wit[...]![]()
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We show an original method to compute curvatures based on the prolongation of fundamental fields and the integration of their flows.![]()
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Aguirre Dabán, Eduardo ; Fernández Mateos, Victor ; Lafuente López, Javier | Real Sociedad Matemática Española | 2007Let M be a connected manifold and let g be a symmetric covariant tensor field of order 2 on M. Assume that the set of points where g degenerates is not empty. If U is a coordinate system around p 2 , then g is a transverse type-changing metric [...]