Información del autor
Autor Gómez-Corral, Antonio |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (57)

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In this paper, we consider a discrete-time queue of Geo/Geo/c type with geometric repeated attempts. It is known that its continuous counterpart, namely the M/M/c queue with exponential retrials, is analytically intractable due to the spatial he[...]![]()
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We consider multiserver retrial queues in which the time between two successive repeated attempts is independent of the number of customers applying for service. We study a Markovian model where each arriving customer finding any free server eit[...]![]()
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In this paper, we model a single-server retrial queue with quasi-random input and two priority classes. In the case of blocking, a high priority unit is queued, whereas a low priority unit joins the orbit to start generating a Poisson flow of re[...]![]()
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A stochastic clearing system is characterized by the existence of an output mechanism that instantaneously clears the system, i.e. removes all work currently present. In this paper we study the stochastic behavior of a single server clearing que[...]![]()
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This paper deals with the distribution of the maximum queue length in two-dimensional Markov models. In this framework, two typical assumptions are: (1) the stationary regime, and (2) the system homogeneity (i.e., homogeneity of the underlying i[...]![]()
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In telecommunications, packets or units may complete their service in a different order from the one in which they enter the station. In order to reestablish the original order resequencing protocols need to be implemented. In this article, the [...]![]()
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This paper provides a bibliographical guide to researchers who are interested in the analysis of retrial queues through matrix analytic methods. It includes an author index and a subject index of research papers written in English and published [...]![]()
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New developments in mobile communication technology lead to substantial increases in the retrial phenomenon and its effect on the quality of service (QoS). One aspect of this problem is considered in this paper, where we investigate the distribu[...]![]()
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We examine a nonlinear stochastic model for the parasite load of a single host over a predetermined time interval. We use nonhomogeneous Poisson processes to model the acquisition of parasites, the parasite-induced host mortality, the natural (n[...]![]()
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We investigate a stochastic model for the competition between two species. Based on percentiles of the maximum number of individuals in the ecosystem, we present an approximating model for which the extinction time can be thought of as a phase-t[...]![]()
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The paper explores the dynamics of extreme values in an SIR (susceptible ? infectious ? removed) epidemic model with two strains of a disease. The strains are assumed to be perfectly distinguishable, instantly diagnosed and each strain of the di[...]![]()
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We consider the stochastic behaviour of a Markovian bivariate process {(C(t), N(t)), t greater than or equal to 0} whose state-space is a semi-strip S = {0, 1} x N. The intensity matrix of the process is taken to get a limit distribution P-ij = [...]![]()
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In this paper, information theoretic inference methodology for system modeling is applied to estimate the stationary distribution for the number of customers in single server queueing systems with service capacity utilized by a finite population[...]