Información del autor
Autor Padial Molina, Juan Francisco |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (10)

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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Lerena Guil, María Belen ; Padial Molina, Juan Francisco ; Rakotoson, Jean Michel Theresien | Elsevier | 2004-04-10We prove the existence and the regularity of weak solutions of a nonlocal elliptic–parabolic free-boundary problem involving the notions of relative rearrangement and monotone rearrangement. The problem arises in the study of the dynamics of a m[...]![]()
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En esta memoria abordamos dos problemas de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales no lineales originados en la teoría de plasmas de fusión termonuclear controlada mediante confinamiento magnético y en la teoría de la filtración en medios porosos. Se [...]![]()
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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Padial Molina, Juan Francisco ; Rakotoson, Jean Michel Theresien | Pergamon-Elsevier Science | 1998The model studied concerns the case of a stellarator machine and the magnetic confinement is modeled by using averaging methods and suitable vacuum coordinates. This is shown to lead to a two-dimensional Grad-Shafranov type problem for the avera[...]![]()
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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Lerena, Belén ; Padial Molina, Juan Francisco ; Rakotoson, Jean Michel Theresien | Elsevier | 1999We prove the existence and the regularity of solutions of an elliptic-parabolic equation involving the notions of relative rearrangement and monotone rearrangement. These equations were obtained from 3D MHD systems, taking, (in particular) into [...]![]()
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We consider a mathematical model related to the stationary regime of a plasma of fusion nuclear, magnetically confined in a Stellarator device. Using the geometric properties of the fusion device, a suitable system of coordinates and averaging m[...]![]()
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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Lerena Guil, María Belen ; Padial Molina, Juan Francisco | Elsevier Science Ltd | 2002An initial-boundary value problem for the nonlinear elliptic–parabolic equation (_(u))t ?_u = G(u)(t, x)+J(u)(t, x) is considered. Here _(s) = min(s, 0) = ?s?, G and J are nonlocal operators. This problem arises in the study of magnetic confinem[...]![]()
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Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Padial Molina, Juan Francisco ; Rakotoson, Jean Michel Theresien | Cambridge University Press | 2007-09-18We consider some Bernoulli free boundary type problems for a general class of quasilinear elliptic (pseudomonotone) operators involving measures depending on unknown solutions. We treat those problems by applying the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz minima[...]![]()
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In this comunication we present some results on the uniqueness and existence of BV solutions for the Cauchy-Dirichlet problem associated to the nonlinear diffusion equation b(u)(t) - div(\del u - k(b(u))e\(p-2)(del u - k(b(u))e)) + g(x,u) = f(t,[...]![]()
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We study the uniqueness of solutions of a semilinear elliptic problem obtained from an inverse formulation when the nonlinear terms of the equation are prescribed in a general class of real functions, The inverse problem arises in the modeling o[...]![]()
texto impreso
Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso ; Galiano, Gonzalo ; Padial Molina, Juan Francisco | Akademie Verlag GMBH | 1996We obtain the uniqueness of solutions of a nonlocal elliptic problem when the nonlinear terms at the right hand side are assumed to be prescribed. The problem arises in the study of the magnetic confinement of a plasma in a Stellarator device.