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Autor Rodríguez Laguna, Ismael |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (14)

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García Merayo, Mercedes ; Núñez García, Manuel ; Rodríguez Laguna, Ismael | SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN | 2007In this paper we extend HOTL (Hypotheses and Observations Testing Logic) to provide a formal framework to test timed systems. The main idea underlying HOTL is to infer whether a set of observations (i.e., results of test applications) allows to [...]![]()
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Hidalgo Herrero, Mercedes ; Garbayo Moreno, Martín Manuel ; Encina Vara, Alberto de la ; Rabanal Basalo, Pablo ; Rodríguez Laguna, Ismael ; Rubio Díez, Fernando | 2016-01-24Memoria del proyecto de innovación y mejora de la calidad docente 126 de la convocatoria de 2015 de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Se desarrolls una aplicación (App) para plataformas móviles para mejorar la enseñanza/aprendizaje de sistem[...]![]()
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García Merayo, Mercedes ; Núñez García, Manuel ; Rodríguez Laguna, Ismael | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 2008-06In this paper, we introduce a timed extension of the extended finite state machines model. On one hand, we consider that (output) actions take time to be performed. This time may depend on several factors, such as the value of variables. On the [...]![]()
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In this paper we introduce a timed extension of the extended finite state machines model. On the one hand, we consider that output actions take time to be performed. This time may depend on several factors such as the value of variables. On the [...]![]()
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García Merayo, Mercedes ; Núñez García, Manuel ; Rodríguez Laguna, Ismael | Wiley-Blackwell | 2012-12This paper introduces a formal framework to specify and test systems presenting both soft and hard deadlines. While hard deadlines must always be met on time, soft deadlines can be sometimes met in a different time, usually greater, from the spe[...]![]()
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García Merayo, Mercedes ; Núñez García, Manuel ; Rodríguez Laguna, Ismael | SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN | 2007The behavior of e-commerce agents can be defined at different levels of abstraction. A formalism allowing to define them in terms of their economic activities, Utility State Machines, has been proposed. Due to its high level of abstraction, this[...]![]()
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In this paper we present a formal methodology to test both the functional and temporal behaviors in systems where temporal aspects are critical. We extend the classical finite state machines model with features to represent timed systems. Our fo[...]![]()
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García Merayo, Mercedes ; Núñez García, Manuel ; Rodríguez Laguna, Ismael | SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN | 2007We present a formal framework to specify and test systems presenting both soft and hard deadlines. While hard deadlines must be always met on time, soft deadlines can be sometimes met in a different time, usually higher, from the specified one. [...]![]()
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"To ensure the conformance of an implementation under test (IUT) with respect to a specification requires, in general, the application of an infinite number of tests. In order to use finite test suites, most testing methodologies add some feasib[...]![]()
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We present a timed extension of the classical finite state machines model where time is introduced in two ways. On the one hand, timeouts can be specified, that is, we can express that if an input action is not received before a fix amount of ti[...]![]()
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To ensure the conformance of an implementation under test (IUT) with respect to a specification requires, in general, the application of an infinite number of tests. In order to use finite test suites, most testing methodologies add some feasibl[...]![]()
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García Merayo, Mercedes ; Núñez García, Manuel ; Rodríguez Laguna, Ismael | SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN | 2007In this paper we define a formal framework to test implementations that can be represented by the class of finite state machines introduced in [10]. First, we introduce an appropriate notion of test. Next, we provide an algorithm to derive test [...]![]()
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García Merayo, Mercedes ; Núñez García, Manuel ; Rodríguez Laguna, Ismael | SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN | 2008THOTL represents a conservative extension of HOTL (Hypotheses and Observations Testing Logic) to deal with systems where time plays a fundamental role. We adapt some of the HOTL rules to cope with the new framework. In addition, we introduce sev[...]