Información del autor
Autor Casas-Cubillos, Juan |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (9)

texto impreso
Franco Peláez, Francisco Javier ; Zong, Yi ; Agapito Serrano, Juan Andrés ; Casas-Cubillos, Juan ; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Miguel Ángel | IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc | 2004-07-22Radiation tests on CMOS analog switches were carried out in order to select the most tolerant device for future use in the cryogenic system of the CERN large hadron collider. After irradiation, the devices showed some interesting changes related[...]![]()
texto impreso
Agapito Serrano, Juan Andrés ; Barradas, Nuno P. ; Cardeira, Fernando M. ; Casas-Cubillos, Juan ; Fernandes, Ana C. ; Franco Peláez, Francisco Javier ; Gomes, Paulo ; Gonçalves, Isabel C. ; Hernández Cachero, Antonio ; Lozano Rogado, Jesús ; Martin Barreales, Miguel Ángel ; Marques, José G. ; Paz López, Antonio ; Prata, María José ; Ramalho, Antonio J. G. ; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Miguel Ángel ; Santos Blanco, José Pedro ; Vieira, A. | CERN Publishing Service | 2000-12-01Instrumentation amplifiers and voltage controlled current sources have been designed by using single operational amplifiers (OPA124, TLE2071 and OPA627). Their performance has been evaluated in the laboratory and under neutron radiation. On line[...]![]()
texto impreso
Franco Peláez, Francisco Javier ; Zong, Yi ; Casas-Cubillos, Juan ; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Miguel Ángel ; Agapito Serrano, Juan Andrés | IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc | 2005-10Discrete bipolar operational amplifiers were irradiated with neutrons in order to study the evolution of the short circuit currents. Also, this paper explores the effect of the reduction of this current in devices based on operational amplifiers.![]()
texto impreso
Agapito Serrano, Juan Andrés ; Cardeira, F. M. ; Casas-Cubillos, Juan ; Duarte Muñoz, Abraham ; Fernandes, Ana C. ; Franco Peláez, Francisco Javier ; Gil, María José ; Gomes, Paulo ; Gonçalves, Isabel C. ; Hernández Cachero, Antonio ; Jordung, Ulf ; Martin Barreales, Miguel Ángel ; Marques, José G. ; Paz López, Antonio ; Ramalho, Antonio J. G. ; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Miguel Ángel ; Santos Blanco, José Pedro | CERN Publishing Service | 1999-10-29The LHC accelerator will use about 1600 main superconducting magnets operating below 2K. The magnets temperature is a control parameter and its target accuracy imposes very severe constraints on both the sensing element and its signal conditione[...]![]()
texto impreso
Agapito Serrano, Juan Andrés ; Casas-Cubillos, Juan ; Franco Peláez, Francisco Javier ; Palan, Borislav ; Rodriguez Ruiz, Miguel Ángel | 2003-09-15The field electronics for the LHC cryogenic system will be subjected to neutron and gamma radiation. Its baseline design is based on COTS and a DMILL ASIC. The COTS include anti-fuse FPGA's, WorldFIP fieldbus interface and discrete integrated ci[...]![]()
texto impreso
Agapito Serrano, Juan Andrés ; Casas-Cubillos, Juan ; Fernandes, Ana C. ; Franco Peláez, Francisco Javier ; Gonçalves, Isabel ; Hernández Cachero, Antonio ; Marques, José G. ; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Miguel Ángel ; Zong, Yi | CERN Publishing Service | 2004-08-13The cryogenic system of the LHC will use Pt-100 sensors to measure temperatures between 40-300K and isolation devices will be used. The selected commercial components must be rad-tolerant since a total radiation dose of 5E12 n/cm2 &100 Gy is exp[...]![]()
texto impreso
Agapito Serrano, Juan Andrés ; Barradas, Nuno P. ; Cardeira, Fernando M. ; Casas-Cubillos, Juan ; Fernandes, Ana C. ; Franco Peláez, Francisco Javier ; Gomes, Paulo ; Gonçalves, Isabel C ; Hernández Cachero, Antonio ; Lozano Rogado, Jesús ; Marques, José G. ; Paz López, Antonio ; Prata, María José ; Ramalho, Antonio J. G. ; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Miguel Ángel ; Santos Blanco, José Pedro ; Vieira, A. | CERN Publishing Service | 2001A study of several commercial instrumentation amplifiers (INA110, INA111, INA114, INA116, INA118 & INA121) under neutron and vestigial gamma radiation was done. Some parameters (Gain, input offset voltage, input bias currents) were measured on-l[...]![]()
texto impreso
Franco Peláez, Francisco Javier ; Zong, Yi ; Agapito Serrano, Juan Andrés ; Marques, José G. ; Fernandes, Ana C. ; Casas-Cubillos, Juan ; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Miguel Ángel | Elsevier Science BV | 2005-11-20The electronic instrumentation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) cryogenic system is expected to receive a large radiation dose (> 10E13 n·cm?2 and 1–2 kGy (Si)) within 10 years of activity so all the electronic devices should tolerate this rad[...]![]()
texto impreso
Zong, Yi ; Franco Peláez, Francisco Javier ; Hernández Cachero, Antonio ; Agapito Serrano, Juan Andrés ; Fernandes, Ana C. ; Marques, José G. ; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Miguel Ángel ; Casas-Cubillos, Juan | 2005-07-11This paper describes the evolution of different commercial microprocessor supervisory circuits under neutron and gamma radiation. After the irradiation, the tested devices showed some interesting changes: an increase of supply current and the pe[...]