Información del autor
Autor Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (17)

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Manzano, Gonzalo ; Silva, Ralph ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel | American Physical Society | 2019-04-23We present a model for an autonomous quantum thermal machine composed of two qubits capable of manipulating and even amplifying the local coherence in a nondegenerate external system. The machine uses only thermal resources, namely, contact with[...]![]()
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Martínez, Ignacio A. ; Roldán, Édgar ; Dinis Vizcaíno, Luis Ignacio ; Petrov, Dmitri ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel ; Rica, Raúl A. | Nature Publishing Group | 2016-01The Carnot cycle imposes a fundamental upper limit to the efficiency of a macroscopic motor operating between two thermal baths. However, this bound needs to be reinterpreted at microscopic scales, where molecular bio-motors and some artificial [...]![]()
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Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel ; Blanco, J. M. ; Cao García, Francisco Javier ; Brito, Ricardo | E D P Sciences | 1998-08-01The efficiency of different types of Brownian motors is calculated analytically and numerically. We find that motors based on flashing ratchets present a,low efficiency and an unavoidable entropy production. On the other hand, a certain class of[...]![]()
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Manzano Paule, Gonzalo ; Galve, Fernando ; Zambrini, Roberta ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel | American Physical Society | 2016-05-10We analyze the entropy production and the maximal extractable work from a squeezed thermal reservoir. The nonequilibrium quantum nature of the reservoir induces an entropy transfer with a coherent contribution while modifying its thermal part, a[...]![]()
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Mehboudi, Mohammad ; Sanpera, Anna ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel | Verein Forderung Open Access Publizierens Quantenwissenschaf | 2018-05-24The fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) is a central result in statistical physics, both for classical and quantum systems. It establishes a relationship between the linear response of a system under a time-dependent perturbation and time corr[...]![]()
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Muñoz Tapia, R. ; Brito, Ricardo ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel | American Physical Society | 2017-09-26Passive filters allowing the exchange of particles in a narrow band of energy are currently used in microrefrigerators and energy transducers. In this Rapid Communication, we analyze their thermal properties using linear irreversible thermodynam[...]![]()
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Martínez Sánchez, Ingnacio A. ; Bisker, Gili ; Horowitz, Jordan M. ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel | Nature Publishing Group | 2019-08-06Identifying dissipation is essential for understanding the physical mechanisms underlying nonequilibrium processes. In living systems, for example, the dissipation is directly related to the hydrolysis of fuel molecules such as adenosine triphos[...]![]()
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Dinis Vizcaíno, Luis Ignacio ; González Herrera, Elvira María ; Anguita, J. V. ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel ; Vicent López, José Luis | IOP Publishing | 2007-10-09Competition between the vortex lattice and a lattice of asymmetric artificial defects is shown to play a crucial role in ratchet experiments in superconducting films. We present a novel and collective mechanism for current reversal based on a re[...]![]()
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Mehboudi, Mohammad ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel ; Acin, Antonio | IOP publishing ltd | 2019-08-21Fluctuation dissipation theorems (FDTs) connect the linear response of a physical system to a perturbation to the steady-state correlation functions. Until now, most of these theorems have been derived for finite-dimensional systems. However, ma[...]![]()
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Although there is not a complete "proof" of the second law of thermodynamics based on microscopic dynamics, two properties of Hamiltonian systems have been used to prove the impossibility of work extraction from a single thermal reservoir: Liouv[...]![]()
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Ehrich, Jannik ; Esposito, Massimiliano ; Barra, Felipe ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel | Elsevier | 2020-08-15Micro-reversibility plays a central role in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. It is used to prove that systems in contact with a thermal bath relax to canonical ensembles. However, a problem arises when trying to reproduce this proof for[...]![]()
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Schmitt, R. K. ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel ; Linke, H. ; Johansson, J. | IOP Publishing | 2015-06-15We present a model for a feedback-controlled ratchet consisting of a Brownian particle and a moving, finite barrier that is shifted by an external agent depending on the position of the particle. By modifying the value of a single parameter of t[...]![]()
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Manzano Paule, Gonzalo ; Horowitz, Jordan ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel | American Physical Society | 2015-09-21We derive a general fluctuation theorem for quantum maps. The theorem applies to a broad class of quantum dynamics, such as unitary evolution, decoherence, thermalization, and other types of evolution for quantum open systems. The theorem reprod[...]![]()
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Manzano, Gonzalo ; Horowitz, Jordan M ; Rodríguez Parrondo, Juan Manuel | Amer Physical Soc | 2018-08-06We analyze the production of entropy along nonequilibrium processes in quantum systems coupled to generic environments. First, we show that the entropy production due to final measurements and the loss of correlations obeys a fluctuation theorem[...]