Información del autor
Autor Martí Oliet, Narciso |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (18)

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Martín, Óscar ; Verdejo López, Alberto ; Martí Oliet, Narciso | 2018-01-30We show a complete modular specification of the alternating bit protocol. We use the syntax of Maude extended with our constructs for the synchronous composition. Also, we make intensive use of parameterized programming to encapsulate components[...]![]()
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The definition of sos formats ensuring that bisimilarity on closed terms is a congruence has received much attention in the last two decades. For dealing with open terms, the congruence is usually lifted from closed terms by instantiating the fr[...]![]()
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Riesco Rodríguez, Adrián ; Verdejo López, José Alberto ; Martí Oliet, Narciso ; Caballero, Rafael | 2009We show in this guide how to use our declarative debugger for Maude specifications. Declarative debugging is a semi-automatic technique that starts from a computation considered incorrect by the user (error symptom) and locates a program fragmen[...]![]()
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Caballero, Rafael ; Martí Oliet, Narciso ; Riesco Rodríguez, Adrián ; Verdejo López, José Alberto | 2007We introduce a declarative debugger for Maude functional modules, which correspond to executable specifications in membership equational logic. First we describe the construction of appropriate debugging trees for oriented equational and members[...]![]()
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Riesco Rodríguez, Adrián ; Verdejo López, José Alberto ; Caballero, Rafael ; Martí Oliet, Narciso | 2008We introduce a declarative debugger for Maude modules: functional modules correspond to executable specifications in membership equational logic, while system modules correspond to rewrite theories. First we describe the construction of appropri[...]![]()
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Rewriting logic is a logic of change, where rewrites correspond to transitions between states. One of the main characteristics of these transitions is that they can be nondeterministic, that is, given an initial state, there is a set of possible[...]![]()
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Riesco Rodríguez, Adrián ; Verdejo López, José Alberto ; Martí Oliet, Narciso ; Caballero, Rafael | Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 2010-07-29Declarative debugging is a semi-automatic technique that starts from an incorrect computation and locates a program fragment responsible for the error by building a tree representing this computation and guiding the user through it to find the e[...]![]()
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Martín Sánchez, Óscar ; Verdejo López, Alberto ; Martí Oliet, Narciso | 2016-08-28We argue that considering transitions at the same level as states, as first-class citizens, is advantageous in many cases. Namely, the use of atomic propositions on transitions, as well as on states, allows temporal formulas and strategies to be[...]![]()
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Martín Sánchez, Óscar ; Verdejo López, Alberto ; Martí Oliet, Narciso | 2016-03We argue that considering transitions at the same level as states, as first-class citizens, is advantageous in many cases. Namely, the use of atomic propositions on transitions, as well as on states, allows temporal formulas and strategies to be[...]![]()
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Verdejo López, José Alberto ; Martí Oliet, Narciso | 2003-08This paper describes in detail how to bridge the gap between theory and practice when implementing in Maude structural operational semantics described in rewriting logic, where transitions become rewrites and inference rules become conditional r[...]![]()
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Verdejo López, José Alberto ; Martí Oliet, Narciso | 2000-02We explore the features of rewriting logic and its language Maude as a logical and semantic framework for representing both the semantics of CCS, and a modal logic for describing local capabilities of CCS processes. Although a rewriting logic re[...]![]()
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Gómez Martín, Marco Antonio ; Segura Díaz, Clara María ; Ortega Mallén, Yolanda ; Verdejo López, José Alberto ; Martí Oliet, Narciso ; Gómez Martín, Pedro Pablo ; Carballa Corredoira, Boris ; García Baameiro, Daniel ; Martín Sánchez, Óscar ; Doménech Arellano, Jesús Javier ; Costero Valero, Luis María ; Jacynycz García, Viktor Shamel | 2019-10-23Informe sobre la experiencia de aplicar técnicas de gamificación en la asignatura “Estructura de Datos y Algoritmos”, obligatoria de 2º curso en los grados impartidos en la Facultad de Informática de la UCM.![]()
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Rubio Cuellar, Rubén ; Martí Oliet, Narciso ; Pita Andreu, Isabel ; Verdejo López, José Alberto | 2019-06-27Strategies are widespread in Computer Science. In the domain of reduction and rewriting systems, strategies are studied as recipes to restrict and control reduction steps and rule applications, which are intimately local, in a derivation-global [...]![]()
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En la primera parte del trabajo se estudia la correspondencia triangular sistematica que se ha detectado, entre las Redes de Petri, las categorias lineales y la logica lineal de Girard. Desarrollamos en particular una sementica categorica de las[...]