Información del autor
Autor Encinas Sanz, Fernando |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (6)

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A complete spatial characterization (in second-order moments) of a doughnut-type beam from a pulsed transversely excited atmospheric CO_2 laser is described. It includes the measurement of the orbital angular momentum carried by the beam. The ke[...]![]()
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El trabajo recoge el estudio y desarrollo de láseres pulsados de alta potencia y energía excitados transversalmente. Dentro de la amplia variedad de láseres que se incluyen en dicha clasificación, nuestros estudios se han centrado en dos de ello[...]![]()
texto impreso
Serna Galán, Julio ; Martínez, C. ; Encinas Sanz, Fernando ; Martínez Herrero, Rosario ; Mejías Arias, Pedro Miguel | Elsevier Science B.V. | 1997-07-01From the application of a simple analytical model to describe a laser pulse, the transversal spatial structure of the pulse amplitude is linked to its (measurable) second-order intensity moments, integrated along the pulse duration. These formul[...]![]()
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Encinas Sanz, Fernando ; Serna Galán, Julio ; Mejías Arias, Pedro Miguel ; Martínez Herrero, Rosario ; Martínez, C. | Chapman & Hall Ltd. | 1997-09A simple analytical model is proposed to describe the transversal spatial structure of a tridimensional rotationally symmetric pulsed beam. The spatial behaviour of the pulse amplitude is shown to be linked to its (measurable) second- and higher[...]![]()
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Serna Galán, Julio ; Encinas Sanz, Fernando ; Martínez Herrero, Rosario ; Martin Mejías, Pedro | Optical Society of America | 2001-07The evolution of the intensity profile of transversely excited atmospheric CO_2 laser pulses is investigated within the intensity moment formalism. The beam quality factor M_2 is used to study the mode evolution. Attention is focused on the infl[...]![]()
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Serna Galán, Julio ; Martínez, C. ; Encinas Sanz, Fernando ; Martínez Herrero, Rosario ; Mejías Arias, Pedro Miguel | IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc. | 1998-10The time evolution of the transversal modes in a TEA CO_2 laser cavity has been investigated from the analysis of the time-varying beam quality factor M^2 of the emitted pulses. The experiments reveal a significant change in this parameter durin[...]