Información del autor
Autor Mohammadi, Bijan |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (23)

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Ivorra, Benjamin ; Mohammadi, Bijan ; Moreau, Yves ; Pille, Guillaume | 2005-10-28Le CDMA spectral est une solution souple pour multiplexer des canaux optiques. L’encodeur dont le but est de générer un spectre et son complément pour chaque utilisateur peut être réalisé grâce à un double masque1 après séparation des longueurs [...]![]()
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In this article, we focus on the design of code division multiple access filters (used in data transmission) composed of a particular optical fiber called sampled fiber Bragg grating (SFBG). More precisely, we consider an inverse problem that co[...]![]()
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Ivorra, Benjamin ; Mohammadi, Bijan ; Ramos del Olmo, Ángel Manuel | Universidad Complutense. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada | 2009A semi-deterministic global optimization method based on the search of a suitable initial condition for a given optimization algorithm is presented. This method is applied to the design of code division multiple access filters used in data trans[...]![]()
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Ivorra, Benjamin ; Mohammadi, Bijan ; Santiago, Juan G. ; Hertzog, David E. | Université de technologie de Troyes | 2005A new semi-deterministic global optimization algorithm is used for the design of a fast-micro-mixer. Our aim is to reduce the mixing time for protein folding by modifying the device shape.![]()
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Debiane, L. ; Ivorra, Benjamin ; Mohammadi, Bijan ; Nicoud, F. ; Poinsot, Th. ; Ern, A. ; Pitsch, H. | Taylor & Francis | 2006Controlling flame shapes and emissions is a major objective for all combustion engineers. Considering the complexity of reacting flows, new optimization methods are required: this paper explores the application of control theory for partial diff[...]![]()
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Ivorra, Benjamin ; Mohammadi, Bijan | 2005We give an unified formulation for deterministic and stochastic global optimization algorithms via initial and boundary value problems for different first and second order dynamic systems. The ensemble is applied to the design of a fast-micro-mi[...]![]()
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Ivorra, Benjamin ; Mohammadi, Bijan ; Ramos del Olmo, Ángel Manuel | Mathematical Otimization Society | 2015-03-23We introduce a novel metaheuristic methodology to improve the initialization of a given deterministic or stochastic optimization algorithm. Our objective is to improve the performance of the considered algorithm, called core optimization algorit[...]![]()
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Coastal erosion is and will be an increasing major environmental issue. We apply shape optimization techniques to the design of coastal structures such as breakwaters, groins and other innovative shapes. Actually, we compute the solution of a bo[...]![]()
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In this paper we introduce two main ideas : We reformulate global optimization problems in term of boundary value problem (BVP). This allow us to introduce new optimization algorithms using what is known to solve BVPs. Indeed, current optimizati[...]![]()
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Ivorra, Benjamin ; Mohammadi, Bijan ; Quibel, Guillaume ; Tehraoui, Rim ; Delcourt, Sebastien | 2006-11-24Le travail présenté dans ce poster a été réalisé en collaboration avec l’équipe de Portfolio-Management (‘PM’) de BNP-Paribas. L’objectif est d’étudier l’efficacité d’un nouvel algorithme d’optimisation, développé au sein de l’équipe d’optimisat[...]![]()
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Hertzog, David E. ; Ivorra, Benjamin ; Mohammadi, Bijan ; Bakajin, Olgica ; Santiago, Juan G. | American Chemical Society | 2006-07-01We have applied an optimization method in conjunction with numerical simulations to minimize the mixing time of a microfluidic mixer developed for protein folding studies. The optimization method uses a semideterministic algorithm to find the gl[...]![]()
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This paper focuses on the application of an original global optimization algorithm, based on the hybridization between a genetic algorithm and a semi-deterministic algorithm, for the resolution of various constrained optimization problems for re[...]![]()
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Ivorra, Benjamin ; Mohammadi, Bijan ; Ramos del Olmo, Ángel Manuel | Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Universidad Complutense | 2008In this paper, we envision global optimization as finding, for a given calculation complexity, a suitable initial guess of a considered optimization algorithm. One can imagine that this possibility clearly improve the capacity of existing optimi[...]![]()
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Isebe, Damien ; Ivorra, Benjamin ; Azerad, Pascal ; Mohammadi, Bijan ; Bouchette, Frederic | Springer | 2008In this paper, we reformulate global optimization problems in terms of boundary value problems. This allows us to introduce a new class of optimization algorithms. Indeed, many optimization methods can be seen as discretizations of initial value[...]