Información del autor
Autor Fernández, M. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (9)

texto impreso
Mártil de la Plaza, Ignacio ; González Díaz, Germán ; García, S. ; Martín, J.M. ; Fernández, M. | Elsevier Science SA | 1998-04-01The influence of the gas flow ratio (R) (O-2/SiH4 and N-2/SiH4) and the deposition temperature on the physical properties of SiOy and SiNx:H thin films deposited by the ECR-CVD method is analyzed. Two deposition regimes limited by R = 1, are fou[...]![]()
texto impreso
Mártil de la Plaza, Ignacio ; González Díaz, Germán ; García, S. ; Castán, E. ; Dueñas, S. ; Fernández, M. | American Institute of Physics | 1998-01-01We have analyzed the electrical properties and bonding characteristics of SiNx:H thin films deposited at 200 degrees C by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method. The films show the presence of hydrogen bonded to silicon (at the films wit[...]![]()
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Mártil de la Plaza, Ignacio ; González Díaz, Germán ; García, S. ; Castán, E. ; Dueñas, S. ; Fernández, M. | American Institute of Physics | 1998-01-01We have obtained Al/SiNx:H/InP metal-insulator-semiconductor devices depositing SiNx:H thin films by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method at 200 degrees C. The electrical properties of the structures were analyzed according to capacita[...]![]()
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We present CCD images and long-slit spectra of the nebulous object GGD 33 and of the T Tauri star V 350 Cep in the star formation region NGC 7129. The data suggest that GGD 33a is a T Tauri star and likely the illuminating source of the whole GG[...]![]()
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We show that, for any k ¸ 1, there exist non-formal compact orientable (k ¡ 1)-connected n-manifolds with k-th Betti number bk = b ¸ 0 if and only if n ¸ maxf4k ¡ 1; 4k + 3 ¡ 2bg.![]()
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Mártil de la Plaza, Ignacio ; Bravo, D. ; Fernández, M. ; García, S. ; López, F.J. | American Institute of Physics | 1995-11-27SiNx:H films with a wide composition range and, some of them, with low oxygen content are deposited at room temperature. The defects observed in the films are attributed to Si-dangling bonds, with a structure depending on film composition. For t[...]![]()
texto impreso
Mártil de la Plaza, Ignacio ; González Díaz, Germán ; García, S. ; Fernández, M. | IOP publishing ltd | 1997-12SiNx:H thin films were deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method at low substrate temperature (200 degrees C) to fabricate metal-insulator-semiconductor devices. The effects of film properties on the electrical characteristics [...]![]()
texto impreso
Fernández, M. ; Muñoz, Vicente ; Ugarte, Luis | Mathematical Institute of Charles University in Prague | 2005For a symplectic manifold (M, ?), not necessarily hard Lefschetz, we prove a version of the Merkulov d?–lemma ([17, 4]). We also study the d?–lemma and related cohomologies for compact symplectic solvmanifolds.![]()
texto impreso
For a symplectic manifold, the harmonic cohomology of symplectic divisors (introduced by Donaldson, 1996) and of the more general symplectic zero loci (introduced by Auroux, 1997) are compared with that of its ambient space. We also study symple[...]