Información del autor
Autor Tarancón, A. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (23)

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Baity Jesi, Marco ; Calore, E. ; Cruz, A. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Gil-Narvión,, J. M. ; Gordillo-Guerrero, A. ; Íñiguez, D. ; Maiorano, A. ; Marinari, E. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Moreno-Gordo, J. ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio ; Navarro, D. ; Parisi, G. ; Pérez-Gaviro, S. ; Ricci-Tersenghi, F. ; Ruiz-Lorenzo, J. J. ; Schifano, S. F. ; Seoane, B. ; Tarancón, A. ; Tripiccione, R. ; Yllanes, D. | Amer Physical Soc | 2018-06-28Experiments on spin glasses can now make precise measurements of the exponent zðTÞ governing the growth of glassy domains, while our computational capabilities allow us to make quantitative predictions for experimental scales. However, experimen[...]![]()
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Ballesteros, H. G. ; Carmona, J. M. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Tarancón, A. | Elsevier Science BV | 1998-02-12We study the antiferromagnetic O(N). N model in the F_(4) lattice. Monte Carlo simulations are applied for investigating the behavior of the transition for N = 2,3. The numerical results show a first order nature but with a large correlation len[...]![]()
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Alonso, J. L. ; Ballesteros, H.G. ; Campos, I. ; Carmona, J. M. ; Clemente Gallardo, J. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Íñiguez, D. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio ; Tarancón, A. ; Ullod, C. L. | Elsevier | 1997-02We present antiferromagnetism as a mechanism capable of modifying substantially the phase diagram and the critical behaviour of statistical mechanical models. This is particularly relevant in four dimensions, due to the connection between second[...]![]()
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Antonelli, S. ; Bartoloni, A. ; Battista, C. ; Bellacci, M. ; Cabasino, S. ; Cabibbo, N. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Panizzi, E. ; Paolucci, P. S. ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio ; Ruiz Lorenzo, J. J. ; Sarno, R. ; Tarancón, A. ; Todesco, G. M. ; Torelli, M. ; Vinici, P. | Elsevier Science BV | 1995-04We present numerical results obtained in full QCD with 2 flavors of Wilson fermions. We discuss the relation between the phase of Polyakov loops and the sea quarks boundary conditions. We report prefiminary results about the HMC autocorrelation [...]![]()
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Campos, I. ; Cotallo-Abán, M. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Pérez Gaviro, S. ; Tarancón, A. | American Physical Society | 2007-07-06![]()
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Ballesteros, H. G. ; Cruz, A. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Pech, J. ; Ruiz Lorenzo, J. J. ; Tarancón, A. ; Téllez, P. ; Ullod, C. L. ; Ungil, C. | American Physical Society | 2000-12-01We have simulated, using parallel tempering, the three-dimensional Ising spin glass model with binary couplings in a helicoidal geometry. The largest lattice (L520) has been studied using a dedicated computer (the SUE machine). We have obtained,[...]![]()
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Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Maiorano, A. ; Marinari, E. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Navarro, D. ; Sciretti, D. ; Tarancón, A. ; Velasco, J. L. | American Physical Society | 2008-03-24We investigate the critical properties of the four-state commutative random permutation glassy Potts model in three and four dimensions by means of Monte Carlo simulations and a finite-size scaling analysis. By using a field programmable gate ar[...]![]()
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Carmona, J. M. ; Cruz, A. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Jiménez, S. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio ; Pech, J. ; Ruiz Lorenzo, J. J. ; Tarancón, A. ; Téllez, P. | Elsevier Science BV | 2003-05-08It is shown that a bosonic formulation of the double-exchange model, one of the classical models for magnetism, generates dynamically a gauge-invariant phase in a finite region of the phase diagram. We use analytical methods, Monte Carlo simulat[...]![]()
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Castejón, F. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Tarancón, A. ; Velasco, J. L. ; CX group, | INT Atomic Energy Agency | 2008-01In TJ-II stellarator plasmas, in the electron cyclotron heating regime, an increase in the ion temperature is observed, synchronized with that of the electron temperature, during the transition to the core electron-root confinement (CERC) regime[...]![]()
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Velasco, J. L. ; Castejón, F. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Tarancón, A. | American Institute of Physics | 2008The ion Drift Kinetic Equation (DKE) which describes the ion coUisional transport is solved for the TJ-II device plasmas. This non-linear equation is computed by peribrming a mean field iterative calculation. In each step of the calculation, a F[...]![]()
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Ballesteros, H. G. ; Carmona, J. M. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Muñoz Sudupe, Antonio ; Tarancón, A. | Amer Physical Soc | 1997-04-15We study the antiferromagnetic RP^(2) model in four dimensions. We find a second order transition with two order parameters, one ferromagnetic and the other antiferromagnetic. The antiferromagnetic sector has mean- field critical exponents and a[...]![]()
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Cruz, A. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Íñiguez, D. ; Tarancón, A. | Elsevier Science BV | 1996-05-02We have made a study of several update algorithms using the XY model. We find that sequential local overrelaxation is not ergodic at the scale of typical Monte Carlo simulation time. We have introduced a new multisite microcanonical update metho[...]![]()
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Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Sciretti, D. ; Tarancón, A. | Elsevier Science BV | 2005-11-10We investigate by means of Monte Carlo simulation and finite-size scaling analysis the critical properties of the three dimensional O (5) non-linear ? model and of the antiferromagnetic RP^(2) model, both of them regularized on a lattice. High a[...]![]()
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Cruz, A. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Jiménez, S. ; Ruiz Lorenzo, J. J. ; Tarancón, A. | American Physical Society | 2003-06-01We study the fluctuation-dissipation relations for a three dimensional Ising spin glass in a magnetic field both in the high temperature phase as well as in the low temperature one. In the region of times simulated we have found that our results[...]![]()
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Alonso, J. L. ; Carmona, J. M. ; Clemente Gallardo, J. ; Fernández Pérez, Luis Antonio ; Íñiguez, D. ; Tarancón, A. ; Ullod, C. L. | Elsevier Science BV | 1996-05-23We study the phase diagram of the four dimensional king model with first and second neighbour couplings, especially in the antiferromagnetic region, by using Mean Field and Monte Carlo methods. From the latter, all the transition lines seem to b[...]