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Elsevier Science INC |
Documentos disponibles de esta editorial (45)

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García Herrera, Ricardo ; Barriopedro Cepero, David ; Correoso, Juan Francisco ; Hernández Martín, Emiliano ; Paredes, Daniel | Elsevier Science INC | 2006-02In this paper cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flashes of 33 Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) over the Western Mediterranean area are analyzed. Mean values of 22% for the positive CG ratio, 1.1 (2.4) for positive (negative) CG multiplicity, 17 [...]![]()
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Daily wind gusts observed over Spain have been estimated by means of the statistical downscaling analogue model ANPAF developed by the authors. The model diagnoses large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns and subsequently estimates wind prob[...]![]()
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Martín, M.L. ; Valero Rodríguez, Francisco ; Pascual, A. ; Frias, L. | Elsevier Science INC | 2014-06-15The purpose of this work is to evaluate the performance of an analog model on day-ahead forecasting of wind power production over large European regions based in Ireland, Denmark and Germany. To do this, several data sets have been used: sea lev[...]![]()
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Garrido Pérez, José Manuel ; García Herrera, Ricardo ; Ordoñez García, Carlos | Elsevier Science INC | 2021-01-15Different air stagnation indices (ASIs) have been proposed to measure the atmospheric diffusion conditions. This paper undertakes a comparative analysis of three ASIs and explores their ability to capture the conditions conducive to elevated PM1[...]![]()
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This paper deals with amalgamation of fuzzy opinions when a fixed number of individuals is faced with an unknown number of alternatives. The aggregation rule is defined by means of intensity aggregation operations that verify certain ethical con[...]![]()
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Bustince, H. ; Calvo, T. ; De Baets, B. ; Fodor, J. ; Mesiar, R. ; Montero, Javier ; Paternain, D. ; Pradera, A. | Elsevier Science INC | 2010In this paper we prove that, under suitable conditions, Atanassov’s Ka operators, which act on intervals, provide the same numerical results as OWA operators of dimension two. On one hand, this allows us to recover OWA operators from Ka operator[...]![]()
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One of the main problems in practice is the difficulty in dealing with membership functions. Many decision makers ask for a graphical representation to help them to visualize results. In this paper, we point out that some useful tools for fuzzy [...]![]()
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Sánchez de Miguel, Alejandro ; Kyba, Christopher C. M. ; Aubé, Martin ; Zamorano Calvo, Jaime ; Cardiel López, Nicolás ; Tapia Ayuga, Carlos ; Bennie, Jon ; Gaston, Kevin J. | Elsevier Science INC | 2019-04Sensors on remote sensing satellites have provided useful tools for evaluation of the environmental impacts of nighttime artificial light pollution. However, due to their panchromatic nature, the data available from these sensors (VIIRS/DNB and [...]![]()
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We carry out a study of the family of Q(Ps) statistics introduced by Lorenzen [1] for testing goodness-of-fit. The exact powers based on exact critical regions are calculated for each statistic against different alternatives.![]()
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Montero, Javier ; Gonzalez del Campo, Ramon ; Garmendia, Luis ; Gomez, D. ; Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro | Elsevier Science INC | 2017-10-07In this paper, we postulate computation as a key element in assuring the consistency of a family of aggregation functions so that such a family of operators can be considered an aggregation rule. In particular, we suggest that the concept of an [...]![]()
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Bustince, H. ; Barrenechea, E. ; Fernández, J. ; Pagola, M. ; Montero, Javier ; Guerra, C. | Elsevier Science INC | 2010In this paper we address a key problem in many fields: how a structured data set can be analyzed in order to take into account the neighborhood of each individual datum. We propose representing the dataset as a fuzzy relation, associating a memb[...]![]()
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This paper analyses adiscrete-timeGeo/G/1retrialqueue with batch arrivals in which individual arriving customers have acontrol of admission. We study the underlying Markov chain at the epochs immediately after the slot boundaries making emphasis[...]![]()
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Gomez, D. ; Zarrazola Rivera, Edwin ; Yáñez, Javier ; Montero, Javier | Elsevier Science INC | 2015-04-17This paper introduces a hierarchical clustering algorithm in networks based upon a first divisive stage to break the graph and a second linking stage which is used to join nodes. As a particular case, this algorithm is applied to the specific pr[...]![]()
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Román Cascón, Carlos ; Yagüe Anguis, Carlos ; Steeneveld, Gert-Jan ; Sastre Marugán, Mariano ; Arrillaga, Jon Ander ; Maqueda Burgos, Gregorio | Elsevier Science INC | 2016-03-15Fog-top height (fog thickness) is very useful information for aircraft maneuvers, data assimilation/validation of Numerical Weather Prediction models or nowcasting of fog dissipation. This variable is usually difficult to determine, since the fo[...]![]()
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In this paper we propose a generalization of the concept of the local property for divergence measures. These new measures will be called g-local divergence measures, and we study some of their properties. Once this family is defined, a characte[...]