Información del autor
Autor Valdés Sánchez, Teófilo |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (14)

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The use of survey plans, which contemplate several tries or call-backs when endeavouring to capture individual data, may supply unarguable information in certain sampling situations with non-ignorable non-response. This paper presents an algorit[...]![]()
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In this paper, we present an algorithm suitable for analysing the variance of panel data when some observations are either given in grouped form or are missed. The analysis is carried out from the perspective of ANOVA panel data models with gene[...]![]()
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An algorithm which is valid to estimate the parameters of linear models under several robust conditions is presented. With respect to the robust conditions, firstly, the dependent variables may be either non-grouped or grouped. Secondly, the dis[...]![]()
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This work attempts to treat the negatives to respond in sample plans when several tries or call backs in the capture of individual data are assumed. We also maintain the assumption that the respondents supply all the variables of interest when t[...]![]()
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We present an iterative estimation procedure to estimate panel data models when some observations are missed or grouped with arbitrary classification intervals. The analysis is carried out from the perspective of panel data models, in which the [...]![]()
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Analysis of variance with general errors and grouped and non-grouped data: Some iterative algorithms
In this paper we consider some iterative estimation algorithms, which are valid to analyse the variance of data, which may be either non-grouped or grouped with different classification intervals. This situation appears, for instance, when data [...]![]()
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Rivero, Carlos ; Castillo, Angela ; Zufiria, Pedro J. ; Valdés Sánchez, Teófilo | Elsevier Science BV | 2004-04We present an investigation into the dynamics of a system, which underlies a new estimating algorithm for regression with grouped and nongrouped data. The algorithm springs from a simplification of the well-known EM algorithm, in which the expec[...]![]()
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We present in this paper iterative estimation procedures, using conditional expectations, to fit linear models when the distributions of the errors are general and the dependent data stem from a finite number of sources, either grouped or non-gr[...]![]()
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In this paper we introduce an iterative estimation procedure based on conditional modes suitable to fit linear models when errors are known to be unimodal and, moreover, the dependent data stem from different sources and, consequently, may be ei[...]![]()
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We introduce in this paper an iterative estimation procedure based on conditional medians valid to fit linear models when, on the one hand, the distribution of errors, assumed to be known, may be general and, on the other, the dependent data ste[...]![]()
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In this paper we present an algorithm suitable to analyse linear models under the following robust conditions: the data is not received in batch but sequentially; the dependent variables may be either non-grouped or grouped, that is, imprecisely[...]![]()
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We present an easy to implement algorithm, which is valid to analyse the variance of data under several robust conditions. Firstly, the observations may be precise or imprecise. Secondly, the error distributions may vary within the wide class of[...]