Información del autor
Autor Sánchez González, Luis |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (6)

texto impreso
Nuestro proyecto tiene como finalidad crear una aplicación libre y de código abierto que facilite el trabajo de forma colaborativa sobre diferentes editores de textos. En lugar de iniciar un proyecto desde cero, decidimos realizar nuestra herram[...]![]()
texto impreso
We consider the problem of finding sufficient conditions for a locally Lipschitz mapping between Finsler manifolds to be a global homeomorphism. For this purpose, we develop the notion of Clarke generalized differential in this context and, usin[...]![]()
texto impreso
We study the global inversion of a continuous nonsmooth mapping f : R-n -> R-n, which may be non-locally Lipschitz. To this end, we use the notion of pseudo-Jacobian map associated to f, introduced by Jeyakumar and Luc, and we consider a relate[...]![]()
texto impreso
In this note we construct a C?-smooth, LFC (Locally depending on Finitely many Coordinates) bump function, in every separable Banach space admitting a continuous, LFC bump function.![]()
texto impreso
Let and be Banach spaces, a closed subset of and a mapping . We give necessary and sufficient conditions to obtain a smooth mapping such that , when either (i) and are Hilbert spaces and is separable, or (ii) is separable and is an absolute Lips[...]![]()
texto impreso
Let us consider a Banach space X with the property that every real-valued Lipschitz function f can be uniformly approximated by a Lipschitz, C1-smooth function g with Lip(g)?CLip(f) (with C depending only on the space X). This is the case for a [...]