Información del autor
Autor Abril Barrie, Carmen |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (7)

texto impreso
El presente trabajo de investigación pretende aumentar el conocimiento sobre dos áreas de gran relevancia para la empresa y para el estudio del comportamiento del consumidor como son el área de la innovación y el impacto de las marcas de distrib[...]![]()
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Purpose – The present study aims to propose a novel employee-centric framework for the study of employer brand attractiveness. This framework disentangles the role of employer attributes, employee benefits and employee perceived value in the stu[...]![]()
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Abril Barrie, Carmen ; Sánchez Herrera, Joaquín ; Recio Naranjo, Teresa | The Advertising Research Foundation | 2018This study aims to analyze the potential ability of sponsorship to create shareholder wealth on the basis of how the announcement of global sports sponsorships affects sponsoring companies' stock market prices. This study also seeks to illuminat[...]![]()
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Gavilan, Diana ; Avello Iturriagagoitia, María ; Abril Barrie, Carmen ; Fernandez Lores, Susana | 2016-02Este proyecto propone el uso de sistemas de interacción tecnológica en clase (aplicaciones con móviles, clickers, plataformas online…) incorporadas en dinámicas orientada a fomentar el aprendizaje profundo.![]()
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The present study explores some marketing mix effects on private labels brand equity creation. The research aims to study the effect of some elements under retailer's direct control such as in-store communications, in-store promotions and distri[...]![]()
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Gavilan, Diana ; Avello Iturriagagoitia, María ; Abril Barrie, Carmen | Philip Hills/Elsevier | 2014-03The future of communication and advertising is mobile. Some forecasts estimate that by 2015 more than 7.1 billion mobile-connected devices will be ready to operate as an advertising medium; however there is little empirical evidence as to exactl[...]![]()
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Using a hazard model specification with two years of consumer panel data, this study simultaneously quantifies the effects of price gaps, non-monetary promotions, and new products on consumer switching from private labels back to manufacturer br[...]