Información del autor
Autor Ugarte, Luis |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (2)

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We prove that any totally geodesic hypersurface N5 of a 6-dimensional nearly K¨ahler manifold M6 is a Sasaki–Einstein manifold, and so it has a hypo structure in the sense of Conti and Salamon [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007) 5319–5343]. We s[...]![]()
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Fernández, M. ; Muñoz, Vicente ; Ugarte, Luis | Mathematical Institute of Charles University in Prague | 2005For a symplectic manifold (M, ?), not necessarily hard Lefschetz, we prove a version of the Merkulov d?–lemma ([17, 4]). We also study the d?–lemma and related cohomologies for compact symplectic solvmanifolds.