Información del autor
Autor Jiménez Casas, Ángela |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (10)

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In this paper we analyze the long time behavior of a phase field model by showing the existence of global compact attractors in the strong norm of high order Sobolev spaces.![]()
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We analyze the asymptotic behavior of the attractors of a parabolic problem when some reaction and potential terms are concentrated in a neighborhood of a portion Gamma of the boundary and this neighborhood shrinks to Gamma as a parameter epsilo[...]![]()
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En esta memoria se estudian dos modelos diferentes de sistemas dinámicos en dimensión infinita, representados por dos sistemas acoplados de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales semilineales.el primer modelo denominado "modelos de campos de fase" ri[...]![]()
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Jiménez Casas, Ángela ; Rodríguez Bernal, Aníbal | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 2011We obtain dynamic boundary conditions as a limit of parabolic problems with null flux where the time derivative concentrates near the boundary.![]()
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We obtain nonhomogeneous dynamic boundary conditions as a singular limit of a parabolic problem with null flux and potentials and reaction terms concentrating at the boundary.![]()
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We analyse the dynamics of a fluid transporting a soluble substance in the interior of a closed loop of arbitrary geometry and subjected to the action of gravity and natural convection. After obtaining the governing equations and analysing the w[...]![]()
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Arrieta Algarra, José María ; Jiménez Casas, Ángela ; Rodríguez Bernal, Aníbal | World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd | 2005We analyze the limit of solutions of an elliptic problem, with zero flux boundary conditions when the reaction terms are concentrated in a neighborhood of the boundary and that shrinks to the boundary as a parameter goes to zero. We prove that t[...]![]()
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Arrieta Algarra, José María ; Jiménez Casas, Ángela ; Rodríguez Bernal, Aníbal | Universidad Autónoma Madrid | 2008We analyze the limit of the solutions of an elliptic problem when some reaction and potential terms are concentrated in a neighborhood of a portion Gamma of the boundary and this neighborhood shrinks to Gamma as a parameter goes to zero. We prov[...]![]()
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We study the linear stability of equilibrium points of a semilinear phase-field model, giving criteria for stability and instability. In the one-dimensional case, we study the distribution of equilibria and also prove the existence of metastable[...]![]()
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We analyze the asymptotic behavior of the attractors of a parabolic problem when some reaction and potential terms are concentrated in a neighborhood of a portion ? of the boundary and this neighborhood shrinks to ? as a parameter ? goes to zero[...]