Información del autor
Autor Lima, R. P. A. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (6)

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Díaz García, Elena ; Lima, R. P. A. ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco | American Physical Society | 2008-10The Peyrard-Bishop-Holstein model has been previously introduced as an appropriate framework for the description of polaronic effects for charge migration in DNA. We study numerically the Peyrard-Bishop-Holstein model when the charge carrier is [...]![]()
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Amado, M. ; Lima, R. P. A. ; Gonzalez-Santander, C. ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco | American Physical Society | 2007-08We theoretically study donor-bound electron states in two-dimensional quantum rings of finite width. A strong magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the plane of the quantum ring. The resulting electronic states are obtained within the effec[...]![]()
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Díaz García, Elena ; Gau, C. ; Lima, R. P. A. ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco ; Mueller, C. A. | American Physical Society | 2010-05Bloch oscillations of Bose-Einstein condensates realize sensitive matter-wave interferometers. We investigate the dynamics and stability of bright-soliton wave packets in one-dimensional tilted optical lattices with a modulated mean-field intera[...]![]()
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Gaul, C. ; Rodriguez, A. ; Lima, R. P. A. ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco | American Physical Society | 2013-07-21We study the semiclassical dynamics of interacting electrons in a biased crystal lattice. A complex dynamical scenario emerges from the interplay between the Coulomb and the external electric fields. When the electrons are far apart, the Coulomb[...]![]()
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We study theoretically the level shift of the Dirac oscillator perturbed by any sharply peaked potential approaching a surface delta potential. A Green function method is used to obtain closed expressions for all partial waves and parities.![]()
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Gaul, C. ; Lima, R. P. A. ; Díaz García, Elena ; Mueller, C. A. ; Domínguez-Adame Acosta, Francisco | American Physical Society | 2009-06-26We investigate Bloch oscillations of interacting cold atoms in a mean-field framework. In general, atom-atom interaction causes dephasing and destroys Bloch oscillations. Here we show that Bloch oscillations are persistent if the interaction is [...]