Información del autor
Autor Grigera, T.S. |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (8)

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Ciliberti, S. ; Grigera, T.S. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Parisi, G. ; Verrocchio, P. | American Physical Society | 2005-04-11We study the spectra and localization properties of Euclidean random matrices defined on a random graph. We introduce a powerful method to find the density of states and the localization threshold in topologically disordered soff-latticed system[...]![]()
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Grigera, T.S. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Parisi, G. ; Verrocchio, P. | American Physical Society | 2004-07-19Using a nonlocal Monte Carlo algorithm, we study the aging of a fragile glass, being able to follow it up to equilibrium, down to 0.89T_(MC) (T_(MC) is the mode-coupling temperature), and up to long waiting times at lower temperatures. We show t[...]![]()
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Ciliberti, S. ; Grigera, T.S. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Parisi, G. ; Verrocchio, P. | American Institute of Physics | 2003-10-21A simple model of harmonic vibrations in topologically disordered systems, such as glasses and supercooled liquids, is studied analytically by extending Euclidean random matrix theory to include vector vibrations. Rather generally, it is found t[...]![]()
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Grigera, T.S. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Parisi, G. ; Urbani, P. ; Verrocchio, P. | IOP Publishing | 2011-02-07Diagrammatic techniques to compute perturbatively the spectral properties of Euclidean random matrices (ERM) in the high-density regime are introduced and discussed in detail. Such techniques are developed in two alternative and very different f[...]![]()
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Ciliberti, S. ; Grigera, T.S. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Parisi, G. ; Verrocchio, P. | American Institute of Physics | 2004-06Despite the presence of topological disorder, phonons seem to exist also in glasses at very high frequencies (THz) and they remarkably persist into the supercooled liquid. A universal feature of such a systems is the Boson peak, an excess of sta[...]![]()
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The findings of X-ray and neutron scattering experiments on amorphous systems are interpreted within the framework of the theory of Euclidean random matrices. This allows to take into account the topological nature of the disorder, a key ingredi[...]![]()
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Grigera, T.S. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Parisi, G. ; Verrocchio, P. | American Physical Society | 2001-08-20The topological nature of the disorder of glasses and supercooled liquids strongly affects their high-frequency dynamics. In order to understand its main features, we analytically studied a simple topologically disordered model, where the partic[...]![]()
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Grigera, T.S. ; Martín Mayor, Víctor ; Parisi, G. ; Verrocchio, P. | IOP publishing ltd | 2002-03-11We study numerically and analytically a simple off-lattice model of scalar harmonic vibrations by means of Euclidean random matrix theory. Since the spectrum of this model shares the most puzzling spectral features with the high-frequency domain[...]