Información del autor
Autor Gonzalez del Campo, Ramon |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (3)

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Montero, Javier ; Gonzalez del Campo, Ramon ; Garmendia, Luis ; Gomez, D. ; Rodríguez, Juan Tinguaro | Elsevier Science INC | 2017-10-07In this paper, we postulate computation as a key element in assuring the consistency of a family of aggregation functions so that such a family of operators can be considered an aggregation rule. In particular, we suggest that the concept of an [...]![]()
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The aggregation operator have been considered from a computable point of view. The important condition that the computation is friendly when portions of data are inserted o deleted to the list of values to aggregate is considered.![]()
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Hesitant Fuzzy Sets are useful to represent the information given by several experts. However, this possibility usually require to deal with sets of values with different cardinality and the necessity to compare them, it is, not all experts eval[...]