Información del autor
Autor Georgieva, Flor |
Documentos disponibles escritos por este autor (1)

texto impreso
Gómez Garay, Aranzazu ; Torrejón, Ana ; Gómez-Flechoso, María de los Angeles ; Georgieva, Flor ; Pintos López, Beatriz ; Ávalos García, Adolfo ; Martín Calvarro, Luisa ; Lahoz Beltrá, Rafael ; Saco Sierra, M. Dolores ; Pérez-Urria Carril, Elena | American Research Institute for Policy Development | 2015The bioeconomy can be defined as an activity that provides solutions to problems arising from the imbalance between increasing world population and the availability of resources and difficulties in supplying those needs. Bioeconomy is based on b[...]